Most of you probably know this story, but let's recap really quickly. Abram and Sarai wanted children REALLY badly. They tried for decades, but couldn't have children. Abram had a discussion with God in which God revealed that He would build a great nation of peoples through Abram's offspring. Sarai got impatient and sent her servant Hagar to have sex with Abram and thus we have Ishmael. Abram mistakenly believed God would build the great nation through Ishmael, but God clearly stated that Abram and Sarai would have a child of their own (unrelated note: could you imagine that conversation? "Uh, no, Abram. It was not part of my plan for you to go and sin to fulfill My plan through your wife's scheming ways of adultery..."). God called out to Abram, reminded him that God is God and He is Almighty, and because it was such a significant moment, God changed Abram's name to Abraham and Sarai's name to Sarah. One year later Sarah gave birth to their son Isaac, through whom the great nation would be built. Hagar and Ishmael continued to be a part of the family (twisted and disfunctional as it was...but hey, everyone has their quirks!) until at a great feast celebrating Isaac, Sarah found Ishmael teasing Isaac, so she (Sarah) demanded that Abraham kick them out of the family. With hesitance (because Ishmael was his son), Abraham gave them food and water and sent them away, removing Ishmael from any future inheritance. (Check this story out in full in Genesis 16, 17, & 21)
Now, I can't help but feel sorry for Hagar and especially for Ishmael! She was forced to have sex with her master's husband, carried his child, and then was hated by Sarah because Hagar conceived so easily when Sarah could not. And poor Ishmael, he was born into this soap opera! BUT, here's what God showed me tonight in my study time: Sometimes we are born into less than desirable circumstances, but our decisions can make or break us despite those circumstances!
Take another look. Why did Hagar and Ishmael get excommunicated? Because Ishmael was mistreating his little brother! Not because he was the bastard child of the mistress, but because of something he chose to do!
Now, think about how this applies to us. Some people are born into really unfavorable circumstances. Alcoholism. Poverty. Generations of failed marriage. Drug addiction. Lack of education. Slavery to sin. GOD OFFERS HOPE! He is freedom FROM sin so that we don't have to play the cards that life sometimes deals! We just need to choose Christ with our hearts, confess Him as Lord with our lips, and we are FREE! (See Romans 10:9-10)
Friend, what have you allowed to be your fate? Don't let statistics tell you what you will be! Break free from that mold and be who God wants you to be!