Photo by MKLoeffler Photography

Friday, February 3, 2012

Our Komen Discussion on Facebook

Today I tweeted, "Super disappointed that #Komen bowed down to it's bully. #PlannedMURDER"

I still stand behind my original statement that I am disappointed that Komen reversed a desicion that was based on company policy because Planned Parenthood and its supporters backlashed. In a world where media, teachers, and parents are constantly fighting bullying and empowering individuals to stand and do what is right, a humongous coporation backpeddled because they were bullied. However, in retrospect, I realize that my hashtag at the end was harsh and did not promote the love that God calls me to always live out.

Don't for a second think that I'm siding with Planned Parenthood. I will never support them, recommend any of their services to any person I know (even the free breast/PAP exams, etc). I will never give a single dime of my money to Komen and have not in the past because I knew they supported Planned Parenthood. While I am fully aware that Komen's money to PP is used only for the exams and screenings, I cannot in good concious allow the money God has blessed me with to be used by an organization who also offer abortions, which according to the PP website is "a safe and legal way to end a pregnancy."

I beg to differ. Abortion might be legal (which makes me ashamed of our current ethical status of our government), but it is NOT safe. How can a procedure that ENDS A LIFE be safe? Really, I don't get it. Most supporters of abortion use the argument that it's a woman's choice, and that the pregnancy is unwanted. Again, I disagree. That baby IS wanted! That beating heart, dreaming mind, blinking eyes, kicking legs are all wanted! Perhaps not by the woman carrying the baby, but by many, many people and by the God of this universe! God says in His Word that He knows us even before we were born and that he intricately knit us together in our mothers' wombs!

I recently joined a group of adoptive moms in my area and it has been such a blessing and an enlightening expereice! These women talk about the relationships they have with their children's birth mothers and what a blessing it is for the children, the adoptive parents, and the birth parents! When women and men choose to let a child LIVE and make the difficult decision to share that child with another family, it blesses everyone involved! I've read many accounts of women who have had an abortion and regretted it for the rest of their lives. It affects them emotionally, physically, and wrecks lives (visit to read some of these devastating stories). I will never understand or agree that abortion is okay in any circumstance.

Now, to address the comments that ensued once my tweet hit Facebook. One of my friends who is not a Christian posted that PP does save lives by detecting cancer in women. I agree with her that it is a great thing to catch cancer early and properly treat it; I think every person would agree with her on that!

And to my Christian friends, thank you for standing up for the truth that we live by. We all know, down to the core of who we are, that aborting a "fertilized egg" is ending a human life, killing a future crayon eater, cutting off a live that would bring so much joy and love to a family! But let us be careful to share the knowledge of truth in love. Remember that we were once bound for the same eternal destination that those who haven't chosen Christ are! It is only through love, forgiveness, and grace that I have been set free, so it is my responsibility as spelled out in God's Word to share the good news of Christ, His truth, and His love to the world.

I'm not telling you to be quiet about God's word, not at all! BE LOUD about God's truth, but do it in such a way that we don't turn people off! We will never convince someone that choosing Christ is the best life possible if we are pushing them away with rudeness. Please don't think I'm coming down on anyone, I'm not. I need this lesson more than any of you. To be quite honest, I didn't feel a twinge of pain when that abortion doctor was killed a year or so ago. But God did. God loved that man and wanted him to repent of his life of carreer-sin.

I guess this is post is just to thank you all for sharing your diverse perspectives. I appreciate the healthy and thought provoking discussion. But remember, Christ followers, we are held to a higher standard. We cannot expect orange trees to produce apples; those who don't know He who is Truth to live by that truth. Let's keep loving them until they want what we have- and that's the Truth that sets us FREE!!

Thank you, friends! I really do appreciate what each of you contributed to our conversation!