Oh, it has been quite a day around here. When I woke up this morning, the first thing I noticed was that my alarm clock wasn't flashing its big red numbers at me. Secondly, I noticed that it was freakishly cold in my house. I nudged (more like slammed my elbow into his rib cage) and told him to turn his lamp on to test our power. Sure enough, a beam of light was absent when I heard the lamp click. We were without power. I got myself out of bed and the second hit came: my bronchitis is 10 times worse than it was yesterday. We got ready as best we could and got to church. Third hit: church had no power and so only the outside rooms were usable. I worked my shift in the nursery and danced and sang in a nasaly/snotty voice to no avail in front of 9 screaming infants. I'm not kidding. I was bad.
After the service, I grabbed Eli and headed to the sanctuary (which was being lit by a flood light someone had hooked up to a generator). On the way, I ran into Tim and the panicked look on his face told me hit five was about to come: someone hacked into his facebook profile and wrote inappropriate things on a couple hundred other people's profile. To boot, we were without power and couldn't get on the computer to fix it (a few kind friends called to tell Tim he needed to get on Facebook and fix it...that's how we found out).
Power was restored to the church just as the third service was starting. We had lunch with the college students (courtesy of the Children's ministry volunteers) and came home for mandatory family nap time.
The takeaway: what might seem like catastrophes in the moment are merely bumps in the road. At least we're all alive and well and are being cared for by our great God. Let's praise Him for His goodness even in the midst of trials.
In the meantime, I'm still going to be grouchy.
In Christ,
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