Photo by MKLoeffler Photography

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I don't quite know where to start, as it's been too long since I updated you all! Eli is doing great; he's growing and developing by leaps and bounds! He has really accelerated with his sign language and verbal skills. He now says, "shoe" and "-ock" pretty clearly. For some reason, the "s" in "sock" just doesn't want to come out. He is doing great with potty training; it's a rare occassion for him to have a poopy diaper anymore. I'm super proud of how wonderful he's doing!

Tim is terribly behind in his seminary workload. The administration was very kind to grant him an extension to complete his work. The college ministry is doing well; we've seen some growth since the shooting. I think it really caused many of our students to realize the importance of following Christ whole heartedly and making it a priority to be at church.

My business is going well and continues to grow a little each month. I've got some new items that I'll be putting on my website soon. Super cute custom outfits, tu-tu's (great for pictures!), cloth diapers, and a few other things. I've got some big orders to do this week and am looking forward to getting those finished and shipped.

I guess what I really want to tell you all about is my new goal. I've been flirting with the idea of training for a marathon for the last few weeks and last night as I watched Biggest Loser, I made up my mind that I'm going to do it! After a quick google search, I found a marathon (26.2 miles) in Columbia, Missouri on Labor Day. Most marathons are run on Sunday mornings, which just doesn't work well with our schedule, so I was glad to find one on a Monday! Today was my first day of training; I planned to go out and run for 30 minutes and I ended up running 4 miles...and I was even pushing the Monster Baby in the jogging stroller! I was happy with my workout, but fear that tomorrow it might be a feat to walk across the room without collapsing. I think what I really want from this marathon is more self discipline. I want to be that Proverbs 31 woman who rises early, the one who works hard and takes care of her family. I guess that's all for now, I'll keep you posted on my progress (or potential lack thereof!).

In Christ,


1 comment:

  1. Thats crazy that you are doing the marathon! GO YOU! I am proud of you! Keep us updated!
