Photo by MKLoeffler Photography

Friday, January 7, 2011

What's in your mouth?

Please read below, preparing yourself first by crossing your legs extra tights so you don't pee a little bit when you laugh. This is a hysterical account written by my sister-in-law, Alyssa, and I couldn't help but share it. The only thing you need to know is that Diesel is a lanky doberman pinscher and they live here in Illinois...nowhere near Minneapolis.

Everyday at lunch, when Diesel gets let outside, he instantly starts running all over, about 72 mph, passing briefly through Minneapolis. However, today was different, running about half the speed as normal, only because the polar bear in him was insistent that he consume half of the snow on the ground (white, or otherwise). When it was time to come inside to inhale his lunch, I opened the storm door, which lets out a nice squeak that makes your teeth hurt. That squeak is the equivalent to the gunshot at the start of an Olympic race, and Diesel starts sprinting. Now being a puppy, he still doesn't have the best coordination, well, about the skills of celery when it comes to walking with wet paws on slick surfaces. Diesel was sprinting 72 mph, completely leaping over all 3 steps at the back door, and landed in the kitchen. Luckily, today was trash day because he took out the trash can and still unable to stop before he hits the cabinet. Nose first, folding up like an accordion. While I was crying from laughing so hard, Diesel attempted to get up, sneezing 13 times. Each time he put one foot up, it would slide out from under him, resulting in yet another chin bump. When he finally was able to stand back up, he immediately went to his pillow, and layed down and let out a big sigh. Relieved he is finally done with taking blows to his poor little noggin!

So why would I share this with you other than a good laugh? Well, I'd like to share with you a little bit about Alyssa.

She's just a hair over 5 feet tall and is so skinny she probably has to run around in the shower just to get wet. But the best thing about her is that she never, NEVER speaks an ill word. About anyone. Even when they have rightfully earned a sour reputation.

The Bible tells us in James 3:9-10, "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be."

That verse says that we use the same tongue to praise God, but then we turn around and use it again to share a "prayer request". You know exactly what I'm talking about; the kind of prayer request that starts with, "Well, bless so-and-so's heart, but she..." and then we gossip up a storm, pretending all the while to be doing God's holy work. Please don't think for a moment I'm judging you; rather, I'm in a confessional here.

Would you join me in committing to working on how you use your tongue? Ephesians 4:29 tells us to use our tongues to build others up, so let's encourage others, brag on them behind their backs, and point out the good things they're doing instead of criticizing their every action or constantly whining on Facebook. Let's all be like Alyssa, or better yet, like Jesus and be known for our pleasant speech!

Love you all!

In Christ,


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